A full-color 140+ page 5.5" x 8.5" copy and digital PDF of Our Lawyer Made Us Change The Name Of This Book So We Wouldn't Get Sued: An Art Book Dedicated To Fall Out Boy's Music Videos, containing tons of beautiful visual art and written pieces by 15 writers and 85 artists!
Before printing the final books, we do a small run of test prints to ensure all issues are corrected between the digital file and the final print. These are available at a small discount.
The test printing of this book is not missing any pages! However, beware that it does have the following differences:
- Cover colors/elements were slightly adjusted before final print, so it's a bit different (see second listing picture)
- Page spread by Nicholas (@ANDPIERRES) was printed upside down
- Minor cropping errors on other pieces
- Incorrect file was used for the textless cover spread inside the start of the book, so it looks a little more cluttered
- Minor subtle color differences
Cover art is by Aaron Ivy, who can be found on Twitter and Instagram @aaronivvy and on Tumblr @ghostiestart.
Digital Zines are manually emailed to you by a mod via ourlawyerzine@gmail.com.
This purchase includes:
- Access to the zine PDF
- Physical Test Print Book with soft-touch finish cover
This is a nonprofit zine and all proceeds will be donated to Palestine. We are not affiliated with Fall Out Boy or any of the members as an official property or otherwise, this is all fanwork.
For more updates, follow our social media pages @ourlawyerzine on Instagram, Twitter, and Tumblr. If you have questions regarding your order, contact us at ourlawyerzine@gmail.com.